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I believe this survey to be done by Eckstein for Stein and Baumgarth of lot 8 in Nutts subdivision of lots 1,2, and 3 in block 64 of a subdivision of the Southwest quarter of section 21-39-14.
Sketched records of the area.
Running notes:
We can see that he starts off the survey with measuring from a point 66.00 west of a line of brick at the SE corner of Union and Maxwell. They measure West:
100′ 3 1/2″ to the west line of a brick, occupation
200.5′ to a fence line, occupation
250.85 to the West face of a fence. occupation
276.1 to the east face of a house
377.3 to the west face of the same house
430.45 to the line of Halsted as run.
He ran Halsted by a brick at the NE corner of Kramer and by pulling 66.00′ E of a brick that was 100.00′ South of Maxwell.
By running this line the surveyor finds that there is a brick on the South side of an alley South of Maxwell that is 2″ into the street and makes a note that this agrees with other monuments found along said line.
The measurement to this line leaves him with a surplus of 2.45 which is 0.5725 per 100′
You can see that the surveyor calls out for 100.56 and thus places the east line of lot 8 at 201.12 West of the West line of Union along Maxwell and the Alley.
He then figures out that the depth of the lot measures 90.00′ from evidence on the East side of Union and confirms this on the West side of Halsted. He makes a note that the depth agrees with occupation.
Lets see what the area looks like currently: